Air mass

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Air Mass

An air mass is a large body of air that extends over a considerable area and has consistent characteristics of temperature, moisture, and sometimes humidity. It is formed by its source region, where the air mass originates, with its properties reflecting the surface over which it was formed.

Air masses are classified by their source regions, either continental or maritime, and by their temperature, either cold or warm. Polar air masses are formed in high-latitude regions, and tropical air masses are formed in low-latitude regions. The characteristics of the air mass are determined primarily by the latitude and elevation of the source region.

As an air mass moves away from its source region, it may undergo modification, resulting in changes to its original temperature, humidity, and stability. These changes may occur due to interactions with the surface over which the air mass is moving or due to interactions with other air masses, leading to the formation of weather fronts and the resulting weather patterns.

Air masses form an essential part of the Earth’s atmosphere and play a significant role in determining local and global weather patterns. They are used in meteorology to predict upcoming weather systems and to understand the interactions of different air masses. Overall, air masses provide valuable insights into the complex dynamics of the atmosphere and its effects on the natural world.

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