Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC)

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Definition of Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC)

The Airlines Reporting Corporation (ARC) is an organization that operates as a central clearinghouse for transactions between airlines and their authorized selling agents. Established in 1984, it provides a method of approving authorized agency locations for the sale of transportation, including airline tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, and other travel-related services.

By using ARC, airlines can reduce the cost and complexity associated with distributing their products to consumers. ARC provides a cost-effective procedure for processing records and funds of sales to carrier customers, allowing airlines to streamline their accounting processes.

ARC’s primary role is to ensure that all transactions between airlines and their authorized selling agents are accurately recorded and settled. It accomplishes this by maintaining a secure, electronic database of all transactions between airlines and their authorized agents, which is updated on a daily basis.

In addition to its core functions, ARC also provides a range of other services to its customers, including credit card processing, fraud prevention, and insurance.

Overall, the Airlines Reporting Corporation is an essential organization in the travel industry, providing a centralized system for the management and distribution of airline ticket sales that benefits both airlines and consumers alike.

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