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Definition of Benelux

Benelux refers to the geopolitical grouping of three neighboring countries- Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. This term is derived from the initial letters of the names of the three countries in French – Belgique, Pays-Bas, and Luxembourg.

Benelux is an economic and political union based on mutual cooperation among the three countries. It was established to promote free trade and enhance economic growth for the member countries. The treaty that created Benelux was signed in 1944 and it came into full effect on January 1, 1948.

One of the main objectives of Benelux is to create a single economic market and encourage financial integration among the member countries. The tax systems, labor markets, and customs duties among the countries are aligned, enabling companies based in one country to do business in the others without facing significant regulatory barriers.

Besides the economic benefits, Benelux also facilitates political cooperation among its members. The countries work together closely on issues such as security, defense, and environmental protection.

In summary, Benelux is a political and economic union of three countries that was established to promote free trade and enhance economic growth. The member countries work together on political issues and aim to create a single economic market with integrated tax systems, labor markets, and customs duties.

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