Certified Tour Professional (CTP)

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Certified Tour Professional (CTP)

The Certified Tour Professional (CTP) designation is a title given to tour professionals who have successfully completed a comprehensive program of academic study, professional service, tour employment and evaluation requirements that adheres to the protocols set out by the National Tour Association (NTA).

The CTP program is overseen by the NTA, an industry leader in tourism, based in Lexington, KY. This program is available to all individuals who are employed in any part of the tourism industry, including travel agents, tour operators, and tourism service providers, to name just a few.

By achieving this designation, the CTP demonstrates their exceptional knowledge of the tourism industry and their commitment to professional growth and development. In today’s fast-paced tourism environment, the CTP designation is a crucial differentiator that demonstrates an individual’s commitment to excellence and their dedication to ensuring an unforgettable travel experience for their clients.

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