Circle itinerary

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Circle Itinerary is a travel itinerary designed to cover different locations and return to the point of departure without en route retracing. It is a popular routing design among travelers seeking a seamless journey that offers a taste of multiple destinations in a single trip.

Circle Itinerary involves visiting different cities, towns, or attractions while staying overnight in each destination before moving to the next. The itinerary ensures that the travelers will return to the starting point without having to repeat any part of the journey. This way, they get to explore different destinations and cover more ground while eliminating redundancy.

This type of itinerary is particularly common among road trips, where travelers can rent a car and embark on a journey to cover different scenic routes. Circle Itinerary is also common among backpackers and hikers who explore different trails and campsites before returning home.

In conclusion, the Circle Itinerary is a travel routing design that makes it possible for travelers to explore multiple destinations without retracing their route. It is perfect for those who want to make the most of their journey by covering more ground and eliminating redundancy.

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