City Pair

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What is a City Pair?

A City Pair refers to the combination of departure and destination points for air or rail travel. Essentially, it is the pairing of two cities that are connected by a specific route or airline service. This concept is commonly used in the airline industry and plays a crucial role in ticket pricing and sales.

City Pair programs are particularly beneficial to businesses and government agencies who are frequently traveling. By establishing agreements with airlines for specific routes, they can negotiate discounted fares and secure preferred seating for their employees. This can lead to significant cost savings and convenience for organizations with high travel needs.

In addition to helping businesses cut costs, City Pair programs also benefit consumers by offering lower fares on popular routes. This is made possible due to the volume of tickets purchased by organizations and government agencies. The program also promotes competition within the airline industry, as airlines compete to secure contracts for specific routes.

Overall, City Pair is an important concept in the travel industry that helps businesses and consumers save money and streamline travel arrangements. Its impact is felt both in terms of ticket pricing and overall convenience.

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