Commissionable tour

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What is a Commissionable Tour?

A Commissionable Tour is a type of guided vacation package that is commonly distributed through retail and wholesale travel agencies. The major idea behind this type of tour is to provide a pre-packaged travel experience to a customer, while allowing the travel agency to earn a commission for their services.

In essence, when a travel agency arranges a Commissionable Tour for a customer, they are acting as a kind of intermediary between the tour operator and the traveler. The travel agency generally works out an agreement with the tour operator in advance, which allows them to earn a commission based on the number of tours they sell. This commission is usually split between the retail or wholesale seller and the tour operator.

For the traveler, a Commissionable Tour is a convenient way to plan a vacation or trip, as the tour is pre-packaged and includes many different activities and accommodations. Additionally, the traveler gets the benefit of working with a travel agent who can help them plan the trip and make all of the necessary arrangements.

In summary, a Commissionable Tour is a type of guided vacation package that provides both a travel agency and a tour operator with a way to earn a commission. These tours are typically sold through retail and wholesale travel agencies and provide travelers with a pre-packaged, hassle-free travel experience.

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