Common carrier

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Definition of Common Carrier

A common carrier is a person or organization that provides transportation services for a fee to the general public. Common carriers have a legal obligation to transport goods or passengers without discrimination and with the highest level of care to ensure their safety. This legal obligation is rooted in the concept of public utility, which means that the transportation services provided are considered essential public services that must be available to the general public without discrimination.

Common carriers can include airlines, buses, trains, and shipping companies. In most cases, they operate under government regulation to ensure that they provide safe and reliable transportation services. Common carriers must adhere to strict safety standards and regulations to ensure that they provide safe transportation services.

Additionally, common carriers have a higher level of responsibility than private carriers. They are required to provide a higher level of care and attention to their passengers and goods. In case of any loss, damage, or injury, common carriers are held liable for any damages that occur during transportation.

In conclusion, a common carrier is a person or organization that provides transportation services for a fee to the general public. They have a legal obligation to transport goods or passengers without discrimination and with the highest level of care to ensure their safety.

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