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Condensation: The Transformation of Water Vapor into Liquid

Condensation is a natural phenomenon in which water vapor transforms into liquid. It is a change of state that occurs when the water molecules in the air cool down and become more compact, causing them to stick together and form droplets. This process is essential in the water cycle as it plays a significant role in weather patterns and the formation of precipitation.

During the process of condensation, the temperature of the water vapor reduces beyond the point at which it can support gaseous form. The vapor then undergoes a transformation, forming visible water droplets, mist, or fog. This process is often noticed on windows when a cold surface cools the warm, humid air inside, resulting in water droplets on the glass. Condensation is also responsible for the formation of clouds, which are essentially vast masses of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere.

In summary, condensation refers to the process where water changes from gaseous to liquid state due to cooling down. It is a crucial aspect of nature that helps regulate the water cycle, influencing everything from weather patterns to human health.

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