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A consumer is an individual who purchases and uses a product or service for personal or household use. They are the end-users of goods and services and play a vital role in the economy. They may make repeat purchases from businesses they trust and refer others to the same businesses by leaving reviews or word-of-mouth recommendations.

Consumers have the power to influence the market, as their demand for goods and services creates a supply. They also have the right to demand quality and safety in the products they purchase. Consumer protection laws exist to ensure that businesses are held accountable for any harm caused by selling unsafe or defective products to consumers.

In today’s era of technological advancement, consumers have become much more informed, empowered, and vocal. They have access to vast information sources, including product reviews, ratings, and discussions, and they can share their own experiences and opinions instantly. Therefore businesses need to constantly adapt and improve their products and services to meet the expectations of modern-day consumers.

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