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Definition of Demands

Demands can be defined as the desires or needs of a customer that are accompanied by the ability to purchase a product or service. In simpler terms, it refers to the requests made by consumers for goods or services, which they are willing and able to buy.

This definition emphasizes the importance of both ability and willingness to purchase a product. Customers may want or desire a particular product or service, but if they lack the financial resources to purchase it, their demand remains unfulfilled. Similarly, they may have the purchasing power, but if they are not interested in the product, the demand will not arise.

Demand plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of a business. By understanding the needs and wants of its customers, a business can develop products and services that meet those demands. Failing to identify or satisfy the demands of its consumers can lead to a decline in sales and ultimately, the survival of the business.

In summary, demands can be defined as the combination of consumer wants and the financial ability to fulfill those wants. It is a critical factor in shaping the market and determining the success of businesses in meeting the needs of their customers.

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