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Demographics refer to the quantitative measures that detail the characteristics of a population, such as age, gender, income, education, race/ethnicity, religion, marital status, household size, and occupation. These measures provide valuable insights into the composition of a population, including its size, growth, and distribution.

By analyzing demographics, researchers and businesses can identify patterns and trends in consumption, behavior, and preference. This information can be used to develop targeted marketing strategies, create specialized products and services, and tailor social policies to specific needs.

Demographics also play a crucial role in public health studies, where they help identify disparities in disease burden and access to healthcare services. Similarly, in urban planning, demographics can inform decisions about zoning, transportation, and infrastructure investments.

Due to the significant impact of demographics on social, economic, and political systems, governments often use them to inform policies related to education, housing, healthcare, and taxation.

In summary, demographics provide a comprehensive understanding of population characteristics and are critical in informing decisions related to marketing, social policies, public health, urban planning, and governance.

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