Double occupancy

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Definition of Double Occupancy

Double occupancy refers to the pricing practice commonly used in the travel industry where the cost of a room or package is based on two people sharing it. This means that most cruise fares, tour packages, and hotel rooms are priced assuming two adults per room.

The double occupancy rate is typically the most affordable option for couples or friends traveling together. It allows travel companies to offer a discounted rate for two people sharing the same space, as the cost of certain amenities, such as utilities, cleaning, or breakfast, can be shared between guests.

It’s important for travelers to understand the concept of double occupancy since it can affect their travel budget and choice of accommodation. For example, if a single traveler wants to book a hotel room, they may need to pay a premium for the room to be occupied by one person only. On the other hand, a family of four would need to book two rooms to accommodate everyone, which may be more expensive than a single double occupancy room.

Overall, double occupancy is a popular pricing practice in the travel industry that benefits both travelers and travel companies. It allows travelers to save money while enjoying the same amenities and services, and travel companies to increase their revenue by filling more rooms and packages.

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