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Ecotourism refers to a form of sustainable travel that promotes the conservation of natural resources and cultural heritage while providing an enriching experience for visitors. It involves visiting pristine and fragile ecosystems and engaging in activities that have minimal impact on the environment, such as hiking, bird watching, snorkeling, and wildlife observation.

Ecotourism aims to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment and preserving local cultures. It encourages responsible travel practices, such as reducing waste, conserving water and energy, choosing eco-friendly accommodations and transportation, and supporting local communities.

The ecotourism industry is driven by a growing demand among travelers who seek meaningful and authentic experiences that connect them with nature and local communities. Ecotourism can contribute to the economic development of host countries and provide employment opportunities, particularly in rural areas where traditional livelihoods may be threatened by environmental degradation or other economic and social factors.

Overall, ecotourism is a sustainable and responsible way of exploring the world, supporting conservation efforts, and promoting cross-cultural understanding and respect.

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