Elevator illusion

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Elevator Illusion: A Misleading Sensation Caused by Abrupt Vertical Accelerations

The Elevator Illusion is a phenomenon that occurs when an individual experiences a misleading sensation of being in a climb or descent. This sensation is caused by the kind of abrupt vertical accelerations that can result from up- or downdrafts. Such accelerations can occur when an airplane encounters pockets of air that are moving in a different direction than the airplane.

The Elevator Illusion can be particularly dangerous for pilots who are relying on their physical sensations to make decisions about the airplane’s altitude and speed. If a pilot is experiencing the illusion of climbing, they may inadvertently reduce their altitude, while if they are experiencing the illusion of descent, they may increase their altitude unnecessarily. This can result in dangerous situations such as a collision with the ground or other obstacles.

In order to mitigate the risk of the Elevator Illusion, pilots must rely more heavily on their instruments and less on their physical sensations. Additionally, education and training on the phenomenon can help pilots recognize when they are experiencing it and take appropriate actions to avoid dangerous situations.

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