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Definition of Estuary

An estuary is a unique ecosystem that forms at the point where a river flows into a larger body of water, such as a sea or ocean. It is characterized by the mixing of saltwater and freshwater and is often called the transition zone between the river and the sea.

The mixing of these two types of water creates a blend of nutrients and habitats that supports a diverse range of plant and animal life. Estuaries are known for their high productivity and are often referred to as the “nurseries of the sea” because they provide critical habitat for juvenile fish and other organisms.

Estuaries are also important to humans as they provide numerous ecosystem services such as nurseries for commercial and recreational fisheries, water filtration, and storm surge protection.

Despite their ecological and economic significance, estuaries around the world are facing numerous threats such as habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. It is crucial that we work to protect and conserve these precious ecosystems for future generations.

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