Flight plan

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Flight Plan Definition

A flight plan is a detailed document that provides information about a specific flight to the relevant air traffic control authorities. It includes various details, such as the flight’s duration, route and destination. The flight plan outlines the exact routing that a flight will take, including specific waypoints that the flight will pass over.

Typically, a flight plan is filed prior to a flight by either a pilot or dispatcher. This is especially important for IFR flights, as they rely on this information to ensure that the flight proceeds safely and according to the predetermined schedule. However, even VFR flights may need to file a flight plan if they intend to cross an international border.

The main purpose of a flight plan is to ensure that all parties involved in the flight are aware of the details of the flight, what it intends to accomplish, and where it will be at any given time. This information is crucial for the safety and efficiency of air travel and helps to prevent accidents and ensure that flights operate smoothly. Overall, the flight plan is an essential tool for pilots and air traffic controllers to ensure the safety and success of every flight.

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