Frequent Independent travel (F.I.T.)

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Frequent Independent Travel (F.I.T.)

Frequent Independent Travel (F.I.T) refers to a type of customized travel package designed for individual travelers who seek flexibility and independence in their travel itinerary. Unlike traditional group tours, F.I.T. provides travelers with the freedom to choose their travel dates, destination, and activities.

A typical F.I.T. package includes prepaid accommodation, transportation, and sometimes guided tours or activities. However, unlike package tours, F.I.T. allows travelers to make changes to their itinerary or make additional travel arrangements based on their personal preferences. By choosing F.I.T., travelers can create a tailor-made travel experience that meets their unique interests and preferences.

Overall, F.I.T. is an ideal option for travelers who seek more control over their travel plans, want to avoid the constraints of traditional group tours, and desire to explore destinations at their own pace.

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