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Global Distribution Systems (GDS)

Global Distribution Systems (GDS) are computerized systems that provide comprehensive information about the availability, prices, and related services offered by various travel-related companies, including airlines, car rental companies, hotel chains, and rail companies. Through GDS, users can make various travel-related reservations and purchase tickets.

GDS is designed to expand the scope of information available to travel agents, booking engines, and participating airlines. As such, it provides valuable assistance in identifying and booking the most affordable, convenient, and appropriate travel options.

The GDS leaders Amadeus, Apollo/Galileo/Worldspan, and Sabre have established electronic links to nearly every travel supplier worldwide, increasing the likelihood that users will be able to take advantage of the best deals available in an increasingly crowded market.

Overall, GDS has revolutionized the way that travel-related companies distribute their services and resources, making it easier for individuals and companies to book trips, plan travel itineraries, and meet their specific travel needs and expectations.

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