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What is a Hostel?

A hostel is a type of budget-friendly accommodation that typically offers both shared dorms and private rooms. It is a popular choice amongst budget travelers, backpackers and young travelers due to its affordability. The shared dormitories are usually designed to accommodate a small number of people, with bunk beds and shared facilities such as bathrooms and communal spaces. Private rooms offer more privacy and can range from basic to more luxurious.

Hostels are especially popular with the student crowd, hence the term “youth hostel”. They offer an opportunity for travelers to socialize and meet new people from all over the world, which can lead to a unique cultural experience. Hostels can also provide a wealth of information regarding local attractions, activities and events, making them a great choice for those who are looking to explore a new area.

Overall, hostels offer a practical and cost-effective alternative to traditional hotels and other accommodations, making them a popular option for budget-conscious travelers.

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