Interline connection

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Interline Connection

An interline connection refers to a flight itinerary that includes a transition from one airline to another during the journey. Instead of booking a direct flight on one airline, passengers book a flight that involves changing planes and airlines at a connecting airport. These types of tickets are generally more costly than booking with a single airline, but they can provide access to destinations that are not serviced by one airline alone or allow passengers to combine flights from different carriers to create a custom itinerary.

Interline connections can be a convenient and flexible option for travelers who want to reach remote destinations, avoid layovers that are too long, or take advantage of lower fares on specific airlines. When making an interline connection, passengers must follow specific procedures and guidelines of each airline, including checking in with different carriers and transferring their luggage between flights. However, the benefits of this type of connection can be worth the extra effort, especially for adventurous travel enthusiasts who want to explore new places and routes.

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