Late Checkout

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Late Checkout

Late Checkout is a privileged service that is offered primarily to elite guests staying at hotels and resorts. It provides them with the flexibility to extend their stay for a few additional hours beyond the standard check-out time without incurring any extra charges. Normally, the standard check-out time varies from hotel to hotel, but it typically ranges from 10 AM to 12 PM.

The Late Checkout option is generally reserved for guests who have special needs or have unique travel schedules. For instance, guests who arrive late in the night or have flights departing late in the day may find this service quite useful. It allows them to catch up on some extra sleep, finish up some work or attend to other activities without the pressure of having to leave the property immediately.

However, Late Checkout is not a guaranteed service and is subject to availability. Guests must make a request for this service in advance, either during the booking process or by informing the hotel reception ahead of time. Depending on the hotel’s occupancy levels, guests may be charged an additional fee for the extended stay. Therefore, it is advisable to clarify the terms and conditions of the Late Checkout service before making any reservations.

In summary, Late Checkout is a valuable amenity that offers guests the luxury of a few extra hours’ stay after the standard check-out time. It provides guests with greater convenience and flexibility during their stays, allowing them to make the most of their vacation or business trip.

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