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Definition of “Leg

A “Leg” refers to a section of a journey that is typically segmented between two scheduled stops. It is a term used in the context of air travel and can often refer to a single flight out of a larger itinerary that may involve multiple stops.

During air travel, passengers may embark on a journey that requires them to take one or several flights. A “Leg” is simply a segment of that journey, indicating that a traveler has completed one part of their trip and may have another one or more legs to complete before arriving at their final destination.

For example, a traveler embarking on a transcontinental trip may have to take multiple flights to reach their destination. Each of these flights is considered a “Leg” of their journey. Even though each could be considered a separate flight, they are grouped together under one itinerary and referred to as one journey with multiple legs.

Therefore, “Leg” is a term that is commonly used in the travel industry to refer to one portion of a journey. It provides travelers with a clear understanding of the different sections that make up a journey and is used by airlines and travel agencies to help travelers track and plan their trips.

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