Lubber line

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Lubber Line Definition

A Lubber line is a fixed reference line utilized in a magnetic compass or heading indicator to provide a clear visual indication of the vessel’s heading. The Lubber Line is typically located at the top of the compass, perpendicular to the direction of the vessel’s bow.

The line is a crucial aspect in determining the direction of a vessel since it gets its reference from the magnetic field of the earth. The Lubber line provides an accurate reading of the craft’s heading, which can be compared to the actual course to determine any necessary adjustments or corrections.

The line is marked with numerical markings and read in degrees. Its positioning at the top of the compass provides a fixed reference point that is easy to identify for the operator, making heading adjustments quick and accurate.

In summary, the Lubber line is a critical component of a magnetic compass and heading indicator. It acts as a fixed reference point to determine the direction of the vessel and helps determine the appropriate course corrections to ensure timely and safe navigation of the ship.

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