Magnetic variation

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Magnetic Variation – Understanding and Explanation

Magnetic variation is an inherent error resulting from differences between the actual locations of the earth’s magnetic north pole and its geographic north pole. The magnetic north pole tends to wander continuously and unpredictably, and these variations affect the accuracy of navigation instruments such as the compass.

Due to the significant influence of the magnetic fields on compasses, navigators must make corrections for magnetic variation to ensure that they follow the correct navigational course. The magnetic variation changes depending on the location, and it can vary from being negligible to being substantial in some areas.

Magnetic variation must be factored in by pilots, sailors, and other navigators who frequently use compasses to navigate. Ignoring or failing to account for this variation can result in a significant navigational error, leading to serious consequences.

In conclusion, understanding magnetic variation is crucial for accurate navigation, and it is an essential concept that navigators should be familiar with to ensure safe and efficient navigation.

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