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Definition of MHz

Megahertz (MHz) is a unit of measurement used to quantify the frequency of electronic signals or electromagnetic waves. It represents one million cycles per second. The unit is commonly used to describe the frequency of radio and television broadcasts, computer processors, and various other electronic devices.

In simple terms, MHz defines the number of oscillations or cycles that occur within one second. For example, if an electronic signal oscillates at a frequency of 1 MHz, it would complete one million cycles within a second. Similarly, a computer processor that operates at 2.5 GHz means that it completes 2.5 billion cycles per second.

The higher the MHz value, the faster the electronic device operates. This is because a higher frequency allows for more data to be processed in a shorter period of time. Therefore, MHz is an important parameter to consider when selecting electronic devices for specific applications, such as gaming, video editing, or data analysis.

In summary, MHz is a key metric that quantifies the frequency of electronic signals or electromagnetic waves and plays a critical role in determining the performance of electronic devices.

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