Multiple-entry visa

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Definition of Multiple-Entry Visa

A multiple-entry visa is a document that grants permission to an individual to enter a foreign country multiple times for a specific period. This type of visa is suitable for individuals who frequently travel to a foreign country for business, tourism, or study purposes.

Unlike a single-entry visa, which only allows an individual to enter a foreign country once, a multiple-entry visa allows the holder to enter and exit the same country without restrictions. For example, an individual who has a multiple-entry visa to the United States can travel to the country, stay for a few months, leave, and then return again without reapplying for a new visa.

A multiple-entry visa is often valid for a longer time period than a single-entry visa, usually up to several years. However, the holder of the visa must adhere to the conditions attached to it, such as the maximum number of days they can stay in the foreign country. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the revocation of the visa, and the holder may be denied entry upon their next visit.

In conclusion, a multiple-entry visa provides convenience and flexibility for individuals who frequently travel to a foreign country, allowing them to enter and exit multiple times without the need for continuous visa applications.

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