Open-end question

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Open-Ended Questions

Open-ended questions are prompts that allow the respondent to freely express their thoughts and feelings without limiting their responses to predefined options. This type of question presents an opportunity for individuals to share their own unique perspectives and experiences. Open-ended questions often begin with words such as “how,” “what,” or “why,” enabling the respondent to delve into the subject matter and explain their thoughts in more depth.

Unlike closed-ended questions that constrain responses to a set of predefined options, open-ended questions provide the responder with the chance to share their insights and opinions in their way, often leading to more comprehensive and insightful answers. This type of questioning is particularly useful in situations that require an in-depth understanding of the respondent’s feelings, attitudes, behaviors, and preferences.

Overall, open-ended questions provide interviewers, researchers, and other professionals with a means of gathering more detailed, nuanced information from respondents. By providing individuals with the freedom to respond in their manner, open-ended questions enable deeper insights into complex topics.

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