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Personality – Definition

Personality refers to the unique set of traits, behaviors, and characteristics that define an individual and distinguish them from others. These traits and characteristics are shaped early in life and are relatively stable over time, making personality a key aspect of one’s identity.

Personality encompasses a wide range of factors, including how individuals think, feel, and behave in different situations. It is believed to be influenced by biological, environmental, and cultural factors, as well as by individual experiences and interactions.

While personality can be difficult to change, it is not set in stone. With effort and commitment, individuals can work to develop new behaviors and modify their existing traits. Therapy, self-reflection, and other personal development interventions can be useful in promoting positive changes in personality.

Understanding and managing one’s personality is essential for success in a wide range of settings, from personal relationships to professional environments. By gaining insight into their own traits and characteristics, individuals can better navigate social interactions, make informed decisions, and achieve their goals.

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