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Remote Communications Outlet (RCO)

A Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) is a device used in aviation communication systems that provides a link between air traffic controllers and pilots. It is a type of ground-based radio communication station that allows for the transmission and reception of important information such as weather reports, flight plans, and clearances.

The RCO operates on designated frequencies set by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure that pilots and air traffic controllers communicate efficiently and effectively. It is an essential component of air traffic control services and helps to ensure that flights can be monitored and controlled in a safe and orderly manner.

In addition to its crucial role in aviation communication, the RCO can also be used for other purposes such as weather reporting and emergency communications. Some RCOs are located in remote areas and can help provide critical communication services to areas that might otherwise be isolated or difficult to reach.

Overall, the Remote Communications Outlet is an essential piece of technology that helps keep air travel safe, efficient, and connected, both in the air and on the ground.

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