Run-of-house (ROH)

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Definition of Run-of-house (ROH)

Run-of-house (ROH) refers to a type of hotel room in which the hotel assigns the room at their discretion shortly before the guest’s arrival. This means that the guest is not able to choose the specific room type they desire. Instead, the hotel offers the guest a room from the pool of available rooms that are not already reserved for specific guests or purposes.

ROH is usually offered at a lower rate compared to other room types because the hotel is able to fill unused or unsold rooms. This lower rate is advantageous for the guest who is flexible about their room accommodations and wants to save money.

Although the room type may not be guaranteed, guests should be assured that they will receive a clean and comfortable room. The hotel staff will take care to ensure that the ROH room meets the same high standards as any other room in the hotel.

Overall, ROH is a cost-effective option for guests who prioritize budget over specific room amenities. It is a great way to save money while still enjoying quality accommodations.

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