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A sample refers to a selection of individuals or objects that are taken from a larger population to represent the characteristics of that population. The purpose of choosing a sample is to reduce the cost and increase the efficiency of research, as it would be impractical to conduct studies on the entire population.

The process of selecting a sample involves using a specific sampling method, which ensures that the sample is representative of the population being studied. This means that the sample should reflect the characteristics of the population in terms of demographics, attitudes, behaviors, and other relevant variables.

The size of the sample depends on the objectives of the study, the level of precision required, and the resources available for the research. A larger sample size generally results in more accurate and reliable findings, but it also requires more time, effort, and resources to collect and analyze.

Researchers strive to achieve a balance between the size and representativeness of the sample, as well as the level of generalizability and external validity of the findings. The sample selection process should be transparent and systematic, and the sample should be appropriately described and reported in the research report to enhance the credibility and transparency of the findings.

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