Sea bands

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Sea Bands: The Wrist Acupressure Bracelets to Alleviate Motion Sickness

Sea Bands are a type of wristband that is designed to relieve nausea caused by motion sickness. The sea bands work through the use of acupressure, which involves applying pressure to specific points on the wrist. The pressure helps to stimulate the nerves responsible for regulating nausea and prevents the waves of sickness from reaching the brain.

This product comes in the form of a bracelet, which is placed on the wrists just like a normal bracelet. However, Sea Bands are not just any regular bracelet; they contain a small plastic stud that applies pressure to the P6 acupressure point. These acupressure points are located on the inner side of the wrist, below the crease of the wrist joint. By applying pressure to this specific point, Sea Bands can help to relieve the symptoms of nausea and motion sickness.

Sea Bands are drug-free and have no side effects, making them a popular choice for people who prefer natural remedies. They are also convenient to use as they are wearable and discreet, making them perfect for use on airplanes, boats, and cars.

In conclusion, Sea Bands are a type of wristband that uses acupressure to relieve nausea caused by motion sickness. They are a natural remedy that is both convenient and effective to use.

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