Service non comprise

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Service non comprise” Definition

The term “Service non comprise” is a French phrase that refers to the practice of excluding service charges in the overall bill or payment for a service rendered. It is typically used in the hospitality and service industries, such as in restaurants and hotels, to indicate that the final payment does not include the additional charges for the services provided by the staff.

This means that the customers are expected to pay for the services they receive separately from the cost of the goods or products they order. Service charges usually cover the wages of the staff who attend to the customers, such as waiters, bartenders, and housekeeping personnel.

The “Service non comprise” term is often displayed in menus, bills, and receipts, especially in countries where the practice is common. Therefore, it is important for customers to be aware of this and adjust their budget accordingly when dining out or availing of services.

While the practice of excluding service charges may seem confusing or unpleasant for some customers, it is a common business practice that exists in different parts of the world. It is also a way of being transparent and allowing customers to see the actual cost of the products and services they availed of sans the service charge.

In summary, “Service non comprise” simply means that service charges are not included in the final payment and must be paid separately by the customers.

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