Single Supplement

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Single Supplement – Definition

The Single Supplement is an additional charge that solo travelers have to pay when the prices quoted were initially based on dual occupancy. This fee is applied to compensate for the fact that a single traveler occupies a double room, meaning that the hotel or travel operator misses out on the revenue that would have been generated by a second occupant.

The Single Supplement is a common occurrence in the travel industry and can vary depending on the type of accommodation, the destination, and the time of year. It is important to note that this fee is not a penalty but merely a reflection of the additional cost incurred by the provider due to the occupancy of a room by a single traveler.

Solo travelers can avoid paying the Single Supplement fee by either choosing to share a room with another traveler or by researching accommodation providers that offer single rooms or waive the fee during low season.

In summary, the Single Supplement is an additional charge applied by travel providers to solo travelers to compensate for the revenue lost by having a single occupant in a double room.

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