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Definition of SRM

SRM stands for Single Pilot Resource Management, which is the process of making effective decisions during a flight when only one pilot is in the cockpit. The pilot must take on the responsibility of managing all aspects of the flight, including navigation, communication, and emergency situations.

The SRM process involves utilizing all available resources efficiently, such as technology, flight information, and crew members. It includes a continuous risk assessment of the flight, to anticipate and avoid potential hazards. This means that a pilot must constantly be aware of changing weather conditions, flight path irregularities, and possible technical difficulties.

SRM is an essential skill for pilots in the commercial aviation industry, who often operate flights with a single pilot. The process helps to ensure a safe and successful flight, allowing the pilot to make informed decisions and prioritize tasks. It also emphasizes the importance of clear communication between the pilot and other crew members.

In summary, SRM is the capacity to manage all aspects of a flight independently, relying on available resources, making informed decisions, assessing risks, and prioritizing tasks. It is a crucial skill for pilots flying solo and contributes to the safety of commercial aviation.

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