Step-on guide

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Definition of Step-On Guide

A step-on guide is a knowledgeable and experienced tour guide who boards a motorcoach to offer in-depth and informative commentary about the destination being visited. They are typically hired by tour operators, travel agencies, and tourist boards to provide an added layer of insight and expertise for travelers exploring a new city or area.

The step-on guide has an in-depth understanding of the local history, culture, and attractions, and is able to offer insights and behind-the-scenes information that may not be covered in typical guidebooks. They are skilled at engaging with travelers and making the tour experience enjoyable and memorable.

The step-on guide is responsible for providing commentary and answering questions throughout the tour, as well as ensuring that the group stays on schedule. They may also assist with logistical aspects of the tour, such as coordinating with the driver to ensure safe and efficient travel.

Overall, a step-on guide is an essential part of any guided tour, adding an extra layer of expertise, insight, and entertainment to the travel experience.

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