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XC – A Definition

XC, short for Cross-Country, is a discipline of mountain biking that involves riding off-road trails over long distances. Unlike other forms of mountain biking, XC races are won by the rider who completes the course in the shortest amount of time.

XC courses typically include a mix of terrain, such as steep climbs, technical descents, and flat sections. Riders need to be able to handle a range of obstacles, including rocks, roots, and drops. They also need to have excellent endurance to maintain a steady pace over the long distances involved.

In XC racing, riders start together and compete head-to-head. The courses are marked out and riders need to follow the correct route. There are often checkpoints along the way, where riders are timed and may need to complete short challenges before continuing.

Aside from racing, XC is also a popular pastime for mountain bikers looking to explore outdoor trails. It offers a great workout and the chance to experience nature in a unique way. Overall, XC requires a combination of skill, fitness, and determination to succeed.

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