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A zoo is a place where people can observe and learn about a variety of animals from all over the world. The primary purpose of a zoo is to display the animals in a natural and safe environment. However, modern zoos also play a critical role in animal conservation and research, aiming to protect endangered species and contribute to the understanding of animal behavior, physiology, and ecology.

In addition to exhibiting live animals, zoos may also provide educational programs, such as guided tours, animal shows, and interactive exhibits. They often have specialized areas, such as a reptile house, an aquarium, or a bird sanctuary, that focus on specific animal groups and provide unique experiences for visitors.

Today, zoos face challenges such as dwindling public support, ethical considerations, and financial constraints. Nevertheless, many modern zoos have evolved into multi-dimensional institutions that strive to balance the needs of the animals, conservation efforts, educational opportunities, and entertainment value for visitors.

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