Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission

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Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission

When the first line supervisor determines that the success of a particular mission may depend on having an additional crewmember on the aircraft, he or she designates that crewmember as an “Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission.” This crewmember has specific skills or knowledge that are critical to the successful outcome of the mission and cannot be accomplished without their presence.

For example, if a mission involves the transport of bulk fuel, a loadmaster may be designated as an Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission. The loadmaster has specialized training in handling bulk fuels, which ensures that the fuel is transported safely and efficiently. The successful completion of the mission depends on the expertise of the loadmaster in this situation.

Designating an Air Crewmember Essential for the Mission is an important decision, as it ensures that all necessary resources are available to accomplish the mission. This designation allows the crew to work together effectively, with each member contributing their unique skills and expertise to ensure a successful outcome.

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