Air route traffic control center (ARTCC)

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Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC): Providing ATC Services to IFR Aircraft

An Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) is a facility primarily responsible for providing Air Traffic Control (ATC) services to aircraft operating in controlled airspace during the en route phase of flight. ARTCCs typically cover a large geographical area and work in conjunction with neighboring ARTCCs to ensure seamless air traffic management across multiple jurisdictions.

ARTCC controllers use a combination of radar data, flight plan information, and verbal communication with pilots to maintain safe and efficient separation between aircraft, provide traffic advisories, issue clearances, and facilitate timely and orderly traffic flow. They also provide weather information, assist with emergency situations, and coordinate with other agencies and facilities as needed to ensure the safety of all aircraft in their airspace.

In addition to their core mission of providing ATC services, ARTCCs also play a critical role in the implementation of national airspace policies and procedures, including the management of special use airspace, the resolution of airspace conflicts, and the implementation of new airspace restrictions or procedures.

Overall, ARTCCs serve as a vital link in the chain of air traffic control, ensuring the safety and efficiency of air travel across wide swaths of airspace.

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