Airplane Flight Manual (AFM)

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Airplane Flight Manual (AFM): Your Essential Guide to Operating Procedures and Limitations

The Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) is a critical document developed by the airplane manufacturer and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for a particular make and model airplane. It contains all the operating procedures and limitations necessary for safe flight operations.

The AFM is tailored to the specific serial number of the aircraft and includes information about the aircraft’s systems, performance, and emergency procedures. It is an essential guide for pilots and serves not only as a reference but also as a legal document.

The manual also includes information on the aircraft’s weight and balance, fuel consumption, and other important performance data that pilots must take into consideration when planning a flight. It also outlines the aircraft’s limitations, including maximum airspeed, altitude, and weight.

The AFM must be carried on board the aircraft at all times and reviewed before each flight. Failure to follow the procedures and limitations outlined in the AFM can result in unsafe operations or even accidents.

In summary, the AFM is a crucial document that provides pilots with the necessary information to operate an aircraft safely and effectively. Without it, pilots would not have a comprehensive understanding of the aircraft’s limitations and procedures, putting themselves and their passengers at risk.

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