Altitude indicator

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Altitude Indicator

The altitude indicator is an essential instrument used in aviation that displays the relationship between the aircraft’s altitude and the horizon. It is also known as the vertical speed indicator, or the rate-of-climb indicator. This instrument indicates whether the aircraft is climbing, descending, or maintaining a stable altitude.

The altitude indicator works based on the principle of static and dynamic pressure. The instrument uses the aircraft’s pitot-static system to monitor the change in pressure as the aircraft moves through the air. As the air pressure changes, the altitude indicator provides a visual representation of the aircraft’s altitude.

The altitude indicator consists of a circular dial with a needle that indicates the vertical speed in feet per minute. The dial is divided into two sections, one for ascent and the other for descent. The needle’s position on the dial shows whether the aircraft is climbing or descending. If the needle is pointed to the left, the aircraft is descending, and if it is pointed to the right, the aircraft is climbing.

In summary, the altitude indicator is an instrument used to measure the aircraft’s altitude in relation to the horizon. It helps pilots maintain a safe altitude and prevent collisions with other aircraft in the air.

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