Aneroid Barometer Definition
An aneroid barometer is a device that is used to measure the absolute pressure of the atmosphere. This is achieved by balancing the weight of the air above the device against the spring action of the aneroid. The aneroid barometer is a highly accurate instrument that works without the need for any external power source.
This type of barometer consists of a sealed metal capsule that is comprised of two thin, flexible metal discs that are partially evacuated. These discs are structured such that they expand and contract in response to changes in air pressure. When air pressure increases, the discs are compressed inward, and when air pressure decreases, the discs move outward.
The expansion and contraction of the metal disks are converted into a mechanical motion through a system of levers and gears. This motion is then transmitted to a pointer or dial that displays the atmospheric pressure in units of millibars or inches of mercury.
Overall, the aneroid barometer is a useful tool for measuring atmospheric pressure and is commonly used in meteorology, aviation, and other fields.
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