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Explanation of Air Traffic Control (ATC)

Air Traffic Control (ATC) refers to the system that is responsible for managing all air traffic operations within a defined airspace. It involves coordination between air traffic controllers, pilots, airports, and other relevant authorities to ensure that all airplanes can fly safely and efficiently.

ATC operates through various communication and navigation tools such as radar, satellite systems, and radio communications. The primary objective of ATC is to ensure that all aircraft take off, fly, and land safely while maintaining the required separation from each other as well as other obstacles such as buildings, mountains, and adverse weather conditions.

ATC is critical to aviation safety, security, and efficiency. They monitor and direct aircraft movements, provide weather and traffic information to pilots, and ensure compliance with safety regulations and protocols. Additionally, ATC provides emergency support and assistance during unexpected events such as technical failures and medical emergencies.

In summary, ATC is the backbone of the aviation industry, responsible for managing air traffic, ensuring safety, and maintaining efficiency in air travel.

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