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What is a BC Approach?

A BC (Back Course) approach is a type of instrument approach in which the pilot flies towards the runway using the back course of the localizer signal. This approach is used when the instrument landing system (ILS) localizer is out of service or when pilots are directed to use the back course approach instead of the regular ILS approach.

In a BC approach, the pilot flies a course opposite to the normal glide slope. This means that the pilot will descend from above instead of ascending from below. The back course approach is challenging for many pilots, especially those who are not accustomed to flying this type of approach. It requires pilots to be familiar with the localizer and glide slope indicators, as well as the appropriate approach speeds and altitude restrictions.

A BC approach is typically used as a backup approach when the primary ILS approach is not available. However, it can also be requested by the pilot or directed by the air traffic controller for various reasons. Pilots should always be prepared for a BC approach and ensure that they have reviewed the approach chart before attempting to fly it.

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