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Definition of Biplane

A biplane is a type of aircraft that has two sets of wings, one on top of the other, designed in a way that creates a characteristic “stacked” appearance. The wings are usually of similar size and shape, and aligned vertically.

In a biplane, the two wings work together to provide lift, stability, and maneuverability in flight. Because of their unique design, biplanes are often more maneuverable than monoplanes (planes with a single set of wings) and can perform stunts and acrobatics that would be impossible in other types of aircraft.

Biplanes were popular in the early days of aviation and were used extensively in both military and civilian applications. While they are less common today, they are still used in some specialized applications, such as for crop dusting or as aerobatic planes.

Overall, the biplane is a unique and distinctive type of aircraft, known for its maneuverability, stability, and versatility.

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