CAT I/II/III approaches

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Definition of CAT I/II/III Approaches

CAT I/II/III Approaches are categories of instrument landing systems (ILS) that enable pilots to carry out instrument landings in poor visibility conditions. Each category is determined by the minimum level of visibility and cloud ceiling required for pilots to execute the landing approach.

CAT I Approaches require a visibility level of at least 1800 meters and a cloud ceiling of 60 meters. This category is the most basic, and many commercial aviation flights fall into this category.

CAT II Approaches require a minimum visibility of 1200 meters and a cloud ceiling of 30 meters. This category is utilized by a smaller number of pilots who are experienced and trained in the use of CAT II systems.

CAT III Approaches require a much more sophisticated landing system and are used under extremely challenging conditions, with a minimum of zero-visibility and a cloud ceiling as low as 15 meters. This category is used only by the most highly trained pilots and is often used in military and emergency situations.

In summary, CAT I/II/III approaches are defined by the level of visibility and cloud ceiling required for a pilot to execute the landing approach in low visibility conditions. These categories allow pilots to make safe landing approaches in conditions that would otherwise be impossible.

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