Class G airspace

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Definition of Class G Airspace

Class G airspace refers to a type of airspace that is typically uncontrolled, except for specific situations when an associated temporary control tower is present. This type of airspace has not been officially designated as Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E airspace.

In Class G airspace, there are usually no specific air traffic control services provided, and pilots are responsible for maintaining safe separation from other aircraft. Due to its uncontrolled nature, pilots are required to exercise an elevated level of vigilance and situational awareness when operating in Class G airspace.

While Class G airspace may be uncontrolled, it is still important to follow the rules and regulations established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Pilots should obtain current weather and airspace information, and proactively communicate with other pilots in the area to ensure safe and efficient operations.

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