Clearance delivery

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Definition of Clearance Delivery

Clearance Delivery is the position within the control tower organization that is responsible for the transmission of departure clearances to aircraft departing on instrument flights or visual flight rule flights that follow special departure routes.

This crucial role involves providing clearance instructions to pilots before they taxi or take off, ensuring that flights operate safely and efficiently. The clearance delivery controller is responsible for verifying flight plans, checking for any conflicts with other aircraft in the vicinity, and issuing appropriate departure instructions to the pilots.

The clearance includes information such as the initial heading, departure route, altitude, and any other special instructions that the pilot must follow. The goal of clearance delivery is to ensure that every aircraft departs according to a specific plan to prevent incidents or collisions in the air.

Clearance delivery may be performed by a controller with a dedicated frequency, or it may be the responsibility of the ground control position, depending on the volume of traffic. In both cases, the controller must have excellent communication skills, attention to detail, and the ability to make quick decisions under pressure to ensure the safety of all flights involved.

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